AFABILITY ... binding better science with saving animals.
AFABILITY is a non-commercial scientific organisation, funded by donation, which
allows us to provide scientists with affordable solutions facilitating the uptake of AFA
production methods
AFABILITY is striving to replace animal derived antibody production methods with
Animal Friendly Affinity-reagents (AFAs) that do not require the use of animals, thereby
significantly reducing the numbers and suffering of animals in the biomedical sciences.
AFABILITY challenges the enforcement of Directive 2010/63/EU, improves
availability of replacement methods and creates awareness of the use of animal
derived antibody production methods by all scientific disciplines
AFABILITY achieves this by:
- Providing guidance and support to individual scientists, organizations and companies who want to implement, develop, purchase or be informed about Animal Friendly Affinity-reagents (AFAs).
- Providing technical guidance to all Local Ethics Committees in the EU or internationally about the alternatives to animal derived antibody production methods
- Organizing workshops, educational packages and training sessions about Animal Friendly Affinity-reagents (AFAs).
- Collaborating with the European Commission, national committees and animal welfare groups to ensure EU directive 2010/63/EU is enforced and that animal derived antibody production techniques are replaced by mature and available AFAs
- Developing laboratory based projects that impact on the reliance on animal derived antibody production techniques
- Developing a network of endorsed AFA suppliers / centres of excellence
AFABILITY fully supports medical progress and improved quality of life. Antibodies have made invaluable contributions to quality of life. This quest can continue, unremittingly, without the use of animals.