Nature methods article: “Change-makers bring on recombinant antibodies”

This excellent article, written by Nature Methods Journalist Vivien Marx, explores how recombinant antibody development is gaining a foothold over traditional antibody production methods, featuring interviews with Alison Gray, an in vitro toxicologist and molecular biologist at the University of Nottingham; Fridtjof Lund-Johansen, a researcher at Oslo University Hospital; Bio-Rad’s Achim Knappik; Alejandra Solache, Abcam’s vice president of new product development; Katie Crosby and Joshua Nathan at Cell Signaling Technology (CST); Carl Ascoli, chief scientific officer of Rockland Immunochemicals; Andrew Bradbury, a former Los Alamos National laboratory researcher, cofounder and chief scientific officer of Specifica and Edwards and McPherson from YCharOS.

Marx, V. Change-makers bring on recombinant antibodies. Nat Methods 17, 763–766 (2020).

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